CRank: 5Score: 21290

every game now a days has glitchers and cheaters. R6V has it, gears has tons of glitches that gives people unfair advantages. Halo 3 has them as well, so does warhawk and Resistance, Motorstorm. notice a trend? wow, that's a lot of games to hate according to this guy.

if you suspect someone of cheating, report them. I'm not sure how you would report someone on psn, perhaps email the game developer and let them know certain users are exploting the game.

5920d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

With a game like this i don't think it needs to be the prettiest game out there. The graphics look good enough, and i'm sure the gameplay will be there. I hope it doesn't feel akward on the 360 pad.

This game will deliver, but i agree with those of you saying this game will be a b1tch to beat.

5921d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I actually can't wait for Haze to be released, but i'm not going to say your biased because your opinion is different than mine. lol
you have said some biased things in the past as have I and the rest of N4G, but not this time around.

i'm looking forward to it because it's been a long time since i purchased a FPS, since UTIII actually. i'm due and i don't think haze will dissapoint. we'll have to wait and see.

5921d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I actually love playing racing games while listening to my own tunes. in-game music actually made me enjoy Ridge Racer 6 on 360, that's saying a lot!

5923d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's not off the mark, it makes sense because when i buy something and pay in full i don't say "it's ok because if i break it down, it only costs me XX/month" all the people complaining about GT5:P price of $40.00, by you guys' logic the cost should never be an issue if you play the game until GT5 comes out, prologue would have only cost you 3.33/month or less. why were people complaining about the price again? i remember seein a huge thread about it, why the double standard?

5924d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

maybe i should go buy myself a $200 pair of jeans, after all by you guys' logic it would only cost me $16/month if i pay it off in 1 year. I spend more than that at the movies.

Microsoft doesn't take out $4 month from my card, they take out $50.00 so you guys are only trying to make it seem more affordable by breaking it down monthly. If you want to pay monthly it's going to cost you a hell of a lot more than $4/month. it's actually $8/month.

It's like those info...

5924d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm not antisocial guys. LOL, i'm just saying i don't really need to be talking to my friends while i'm playing half-life and they're playing gears. Unless i'm playing a game with you, just let me relax and let me play my game in peace. If there's something i need to tell you, i'll just pick up the phone and call you.
if you need to tell me something, send me a msg and i'll read it when i get to it, if it's important, call me. although chances are if it were truly important you wouldn...

5924d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I'm not getting bent out of shape, i just asked you a simple question which I already knew the answer to.
As far as downplaying the features, PSN also does voice chat, video chat with games that support it and text chat. It's just not cross game. I play on live as well as on PSN, and i don't really need a website to tell me what features i actually use when playing my games.

I just find out rather ignorant when people spew out false information about how X service is SO ...

5925d ago 11 agree7 disagreeView comment

aside from cross game messaging/invites, what are the MANY other ways Live is better than PSN in terms of online play?

5925d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

How ridiculous can some of you be? Oh Lord, how dare louis Vuitton charge $2000.00 for a purse or Mclaren $1mil for a car? What forum do sign up to complain about those outrageous prices?

Half of you complaining about the price are not fans of the series so GT5P has no value to you. Most of you don't even own a PS3.
How about you let the folks who love the series determine whether they would rather wait until next year and just pay $60.0 for the full version or be allow...

5927d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

who actually purchased this game to play it online? I purchased it for the sigle player aspect of it. I'll leave the online to COD4, Warhawk, gears, UTIII, etc.
I may try the MP once or twice but that's about it, i have other games to play when i'm through with the single player.

As far as single player goes, I like the game and both versions are the same minus a few control differences.

5927d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

ToughName: as much as want to agree with you on the graphics arguments, the truth is graphics DO matter.
They Matter to gamers and reviewers.
more than 90% of the fanboy arguments here on NG4 are because of minor graphical differences between games. are you really going to tell me graphics don't matter? I guarantee you a huge part of GeOW were it's visuals. If it were an average looking title, it wouldn't have gotten anywhere near the great reviews it received.
the fact ...

5928d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

toughname: your replies never cease to amaze me. You're truly one of the worst fanboys on this site.

I think you're in for a big surprise when Gears 2 doesn't look any better than Gears 1. though that doesn't mean the game will suck, as a matter of fact i believe the game will be great. but why do you say gears destroys resistance? They're two totally different games, and you're opinions are so one sided how can you expect people to take you seriously?

However, a...

5928d ago 11 agree4 disagreeView comment

I keep mine on all day as well, whether it'd be watching movies, playing music i've loaded to the HD or playing games. the poor thing is always on.

5931d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I switch when i feel like playing some of the games i own for 360, prior to my RROD i would play pretty much 50/50. now i'll go days without turning on my 360 since most of the new games that have come out i have purchased for PS3.
It has nothing to do with fan noise, LIVE vs PSN or anything like that, it simply comes down to games.
Although i was in the mood to finish Half-life 2, EP1/2 so i've been on 360 as much as my ps3. I hadn't turned it on for almost a week though.

5931d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

the sad truth:
there is nothing wrong with the article, like i said, most games have issues. mass effect is riddled with issues even tho it's an exclusive title that was in the works for how long? gears of war to this date has so many issues it's not even funny, COD4 has had it's fair share.
a game that came out today and is having server issues is hardly any proof "x" console is better than "y" console.

Mr Marbles' post are pretty idiotic 99% ...

5935d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

how did this fool not make it to my ignore list before? oh well, he's there now.
when people start having issues with it on 360, and believe most games have issues at one point or another, be it glitches, connection errors, etc. he won't have anything to say.

5935d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

DS3 works just Fine with R:FOM & UTIII. heck, even with the Darkness. I'm sure it won't be an issue with Haze.

5941d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

hmm let's see, aside from the ones you listed. Resistance, Warhawk, Tekken 5 online, UT III, Time Crisis, MotorStorm, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, the show '08, Folklore, hell even Lair(i own the game and it's actually quite fun if you can get past the first few stages and learn the controls) Full auto II, Ridge Racer 7, EOJ, NBA 08. ETC.. then there's a array of PSN games which should keep you busy before the big guns hit. let's not forget it's a GREAT DVD/BD player!

If you haven't bee...

5943d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

what wait? how long after 360s release before forza 2 came out?
If you must know, people are still buying GT 4 and that game has been out way longer than gears of war, so your point is?
as far as microsoft being quite, therefore they must have something big in the works is wishful thinking at best.

fanboys such as you are even worse than THE MART, POG, ZHUK because at least they don't try to fool anyone about being biased, they just come out and say sony sucks/36...

5943d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment